作为宾州蒙哥马利郡亚裔联盟(Montgomery County Asian Coalition) 的成员之一,9月15日下午,光华华人协会大费城华人文化中心协办了亚太裔中秋庆祝活动(AAPI FALL FESTIVALS)。
As a member of the Montgomery County Asian Coalition in Pennsylvania, on the afternoon of September 15th, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center of the Guanghua Chinese Association co-organized the Asian Pacific American Mid-Autumn Festival (AAPI FALL FESTIVALS).

此次中秋活动在位于蒙郡North Wales的Community Wellness Plaza前广场举行,包括大费城华人文化中心在内,韩裔,菲律宾裔,尼泊尔裔,越南裔,孟加拉裔等众多亚裔社团和组织机构参与其中,通过文艺演出,文化展示和便民服务等方式,分享亚裔社区绚烂多彩的文化和丰收季节的喜悦。
The Mid-Autumn Festival event was held in the front square of Community Wellness Plaza in North Wales, Montgomery County. Including the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center, many Asian societies and organizations including Koreans, Filipinos, Nepalese, Vietnamese, Bangladeshis, etc. participated. Among them, the colorful culture of the Asian community and the joy of the harvest season are shared through theatrical performances, cultural displays and convenient services.

During the celebration, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center brought different styles of Chinese dances and traditional cheongsam catwalks to the audience; the cultural center set up a special booth to display traditional Chinese calligraphy and printmaking art on site, which became the highlight of the event. Because it coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival, the cultural center also prepared mooncakes to share everyone to deepen their experience of Chinese culture on the tip of their tongues.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival; it is a day for family reunions and toasting together; it is also a day for harvest celebrations in many Asian countries. This event brought together many Asian organizations in Fairmont County to celebrate the festival. It was a milestone for Asians to work together and help each other to create a beautiful community.

As a bridge connecting Chinese and other ethnic groups, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center has been committed to participating in multi-racial and multi-cultural integration activities, which is of great significance to helping the Chinese community fight for their rights and strengthen the influence of the Chinese community.

The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center received a Mid-Autumn Festival congratulatory letter from the Governor of Pennsylvania

在新冠疫情期间,大费城华人文化中心曾和亚裔联盟一起合作,帮助社区居民接种疫苗;前不久,文化中心义务参与了Need Assessment项目,表达出华裔的力量和诉求, 为华裔的子孙后代创造更好的发展条件。
During the COVID-19 epidemic, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center worked with the Asian Alliance to help community residents get vaccinated. Not long ago, the cultural center volunteered to participate in the Need Assessment project to express the strength and demands of Chinese Americans and create opportunities for future generations of Chinese Americans. Better conditions for development.
In the future, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center will continue to keep in touch with different ethnic groups, including other Asian communities, to communicate with each other, help each other, and jointly embrace a better future!