1月8 日,文化中心将和银康老年活动中心组织2025 年第一次老人活动日。
内容包括巧手工坊,笔墨艺术,剪头发、做指甲、趣味英语角、找单词、找图片、填色、卡拉ok、按摩椅,麻将,扑克牌,象棋,围棋,拼图等多活动,还有中医诊脉和UrgentCare 就医(需要有保险,copay 自付),并且提供免费多样选择的中餐午饭,活动免费,欢迎大家填写下面表格,踊跃报名。
On January 8th, the Cultural Center, in collaboration with the Yinkang Senior Activity Center, will organize the first Senior Activity Day of 2025. The activities will include a craft workshop, calligraphy and painting, haircuts, manicures, a fun English corner, word search, picture search, coloring, karaoke, massage chairs, Mahjong, poker, chess, Go, puzzles, and more. There will also be Traditional Chinese Medicine pulse diagnosis and UrgentCare medical services (insurance required, copay is self-paid). Additionally, a free, varied Chinese lunch will be provided. The event is free of charge, and we welcome everyone to fill out the form below and register enthusiastically.
Time:1 月8 日 9:30am - 2:30pm
Place:银康老年活动中心东北区分中心 ( 地址:649 Foulkrod St, Philadelphia,PA,19120 )