How you can donate and help OUR center
GPCCC is a nonprofit organization under 501 (c) (3) (Tax ID is EIN 02-0726028). To achieve our mission, we rely on the generosity of individuals and business organizations like you. Without your help, we can’t bring and maintain cultural awareness to our community each year. Your contributions will make a difference and enable us to continue our services. Every donation amount is a gift, large or small.
Sponsorship level: Donor names (logo) will be glazed onto a gold, silver or bronze sponsorship plaque and hung on the wall of GPCCC.
1) Platinum Level – Corporate Donation Amount of $ 5,000
2) Gold Level – Donation Amount of $1,000
3) Silver Level – Donation Amount of $ 500
4) Bronze Level – Donation Amount of $250
5) Honorable Mention – Donation Amount of $100
Donations are tax deductible. After you make your donations, please notify us your name (including your children’s name and class if you like), your employer's name, and the amount you donate by email so that we can recognize your contribution and make sure that your money will come to our center as you wish.
We thank you in advance for your support! Your donation is greatly appreciated and will support the development of GPCCC and make a difference in exploring Chinese heritage in our community.
If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please contact Hongxia Fan at
GPCCC Committee